What can this free software do?
- 100% FREE to get all PDF converter features;
- Convert PDF to Word document;
- Convert PDF to Excel worksheet;
- Convert PDF to JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP & GIF;
- Convert PDF to HTML webpages;
- Perfect layout preservation;
- Quality surpass any online/offline converters;
- Batch conversion supported;
- No need of Acrobat/Word/Excel or any other software;
- Straight & customizable UI.
PDF is one of the most secure ways of sharing file with multiple recipients. However, there are sometimes it becomes a bit problematic to manage the PDF files due to its non-editable feature. You cannot copy, paste or remove any data or information in PDFs. There is a solution to this problem - Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite - valuable PDF converter software, which can convert all sorts of PDF files into Word, Excel, Text, Image, etc. You can convert PDF files while preserving relative positioning of tables, images, and even multicolumn text, as well as page and paragraph attributes.
One-stop PDF solution.
Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite plays its role so perfectly that it's hard to differentiate between the original and the converted document. What's more, you can also perform batch conversion with the help of Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite, saving you much of time. Grab the chance while you can because it is not easy to find free PDF converter solutions that are convenient and reliable like ours.

All-in-One PDF Converter
PDF is a great format for reading and sharing documents, but it gives you no options to alter documents. Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite combines most practical PDF conversion tools to solve that problem. It has the ability to convert PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, PDF to JPG, PDF to TIFF, PDF to HTML, etc.
Top Quality Guaranteed
All our free PDF converters are equipped with cutting-edge PDF techniques and provides lossless quality. What you see in the PDF documents is exactly what you get after conversion. It also allows you to make changes of this and that so that you can make adjustment to fit your requirements for size, quality, color, resolution, time and more.
Original Layout Maintenance
No matter what conversion you perform with this PDF converter, it will definitely preserve the original PDF layouts, such as formatting, tables, images, fonts, styles, columns, hyperlinks, underlines, and so on. The converted files can be directly edited in any document/image editor or posted online for sharing.
No Adobe Acrobat Needed
This PDF converter is standalone software that can carry out all the PDF conversion functions quickly and accurately. There's no need to install Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, or PDF plugins on web browsers on your computer. Free to perform the PDF conversions you need.
PDF to Word
With the inbuilt PDF to Word converter tool, you can easily and quickly to convert all your PDF files into Microsoft Word document, while maintaining the same quality of the original PDF file, with text and all images. The converted Word file will be easily edited via any version of Microsoft Word.
PDF to Excel
Need to take out the data from a PDF file for further analysis? Just input the PDF file into the PDF to Excel conversion tool of Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite, and seconds later, it will save it as the Microsoft Excel file that you can use right away as the fonts or table layouts are well retained.
Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite can also convert any number of PDF files to JPG images files with extreme accuracy and consistency. It is possible to change the DPI, color mode and resolution.
Though the PDF is great for posting reading documents like manuals on a website, but it does matter if someone uses a public or shared computer that does not install a PDF viewer. To make material in a PDF more accessible to others, you'd better convert your PDF to HTML file using a PDF to HTML converter like Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite.
As we know, TIFF is a popular format professional photographers and graphic designers thanks to its lossless compression quality. Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite provides a simple option to convert PDF into multipage TIFF with adjustable DPI and compression type, which can be easily viewed in ACDsee or Window Photo Viewer.
Batch Conversion Mode
Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite offers you sophisticated batch processing which fully automates repetitive tasks applied to a selection of PDF files. During the conversion process you can apply some additional batch functions such as rotation, resize, change the resolution, etc.
Free to Use
Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite is totally free to use and it will save you lots of money in many ways. As it is standalone software, you don't need to spend your dollars on the Adobe Acrobat program. And thanks to its ability to retain the original layouts of the PDF files, you'll directly use the converted files without retyping or editing. It's not worthwhile to use the online PDF converter which will waste your data usage when you use a mobile device and the converted files may not be in great quality.
Easy for Any Users
Our free PDF converter does not confuse you with tons of menus, buttons or complicated settings. It requires no related experience to perform the PDF conversion you want so you can easily teach your friends, children or parents to use it. We provide many tutorials and tips but actually you might not even need them.Expert reviews on Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite software
Find out what leading industry experts are saying about Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite

Brothersoft - Editor's Pick

Computer Bild - Editor's Review

Core Download - Five Star Rating

Softpedia - Editor's Pick

Read what our customers say about Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite:
I simply want to say thank you for your easy to use and free PDF converter. It makes PDF to Word conversion quickly and accurately. Please accept my profound gratitude
Marc Hamper,
It attracts me the first time I use it. It has an intuitive interface and every tool is well-organized in each menu that I can easily find the tools I need
John Carlson,
After searching about 16 different PDF convertors, I finally found yours that does exactly what I need! It works like a charm plus it looks really good. Thanks
Adam Mastronardi,
Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite helps me convert PDF to almost any types of formats, like DOC, RTF, HTML, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TXT, etc. It is good for everybody who needs to convert a lot of PDF files
Tim Haynes,
Bravo Free PDF Converter Suite Tutorial:

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